Thursday, May 25, 2023

Reasons to opt for asbestos inspection before remodelling your house

In this article we are going to talk about some of the most important reasons why you need to opt for asbestos inspection in your house before you opt for a remodelling of the house. This is particularly important if your house is decades old and was built after the 1970s. This article is going to help you learn more about asbestos and the importance of asbestos inspection for reasons which are connected to health and wellbeing of persons. If you are looking for asbestos inspection in NYC, consider Asbestos Mold.

Perhaps the most important reasons to opt for asbestos inspection before you opt for a remodelling project on the house is to avoid health hazards which can be caused by asbestos exposure which is present in the walls of fold houses and buildings, often released into the air that we breathe in (in the form of invisible small fibres). When we breathe in the air, we take in the asbestos inside our lungs and the respiratory system and this causes asbestos exposure which can lead to a number of issues and problems, including lung cancer. Basically, asbestos is extremely harmful to the human health and it can cause serious damage and can be life threatening as well. There are actually many things linked with long term exposure of humans to asbestos. For instance, when one is dealing with long term exposure to asbestos it can lead to some serious health conditions such as mesothelioma, lung cancer, and asbestosis.

Asbestos target the lungs and it puts a vulnerable section of the population (such as those with lung issues) further at the risk spectrum caused by asbestos. For them, the harm is greater and more severe. Prolong exposure to asbestos can reveal some symptoms in an individual which can range from shortness in breath, persistent cough, rapid loss of weight, throat and chest pain and fatigue. Asbestos fibres are only released when they are disrupted and damaged, and the risks associated with the material significantly increases whenever there is some sort of demolition work of when there is some kind of project in the building which involved breaking down and remodelling. And hence, when you are remodelling your own house, it is important to conduct an asbestos inspection before you bring down a wall or before you conduct some demolition because that can expose the asbestos into the air which can be directly inhaled by the people in the house and the workers too. This asbestos testing becomes all the more important for houses that are very old. This is because, asbestos today is not used in the construction. That means, new houses are much less likely to have asbestos. It has a banned component now and no longer used as a raw material in the construction of houses.